The end describes a chance meeting between Leventhal and his old tormentor Allbee-both early-middle-aged, in a theatre, just before the final act.
To have vengeance on their old tormentor was blazing sunlight.
Even Silviu Brucan, a leading figure in the front, has not been able to track down his old tormentors.
Samuel Pepys like other survivors of an operation to remove a kidney stone caused his old tormentor to be cased in precious metal as a memento.
But the Sox have advanced to the League Championship Series against their old tormentors, the Yankees, starting tomorrow night.
At the reunion Mr. Lechner saw the faces of his old tormentors.
And there, standing before him now, was his old tormentor, now the head of a large gang of bandits.
Not only that, but the Mets also turned on an old tormentor, Mike Krukow, who beat them four times last season.
It was to his old tormentor that he was now indebted for his promotion.
"Will you tell me, you malicious old tormentor?"