Tae-hee has an older stepbrother named Kim Je-ha whom he dislikes.
His older stepbrothers would hold him down while his father mercilessly whipped Caron when he got into trouble.
Simons' relationship with his older stepbrother seems to have a major bearing in his criminal activities.
Simons alleges that his older stepbrother raped and sodomised him as a youngster.
As the years passed, she dis- that her older stepbrother, Yosef, was also -adopted refugee.
His parents died when he was young, and he was brought up by an older stepbrother, Aibu Naburuku.
He has an older stepbrother named Bhishma, and a younger brother named Suraj.
In Wide Sargasso Sea he's the older stepbrother of Antoinette from her stepfather's previous marriage.
Although raised by his mother, he later claimed to have suffered sexual abuse from an early age at the hands of his older stepbrothers.
After being introduced to alternative rock by an older stepbrother, Even moved towards vocals as a teen.