One study found that a 50-year-old person who smokes two packs of cigarettes a day has artery damage comparable to a light smoker 10 years older.
Winston remains the biggest full-price brand sold by Reynolds, but it appeals to older smokers and has been steadily losing market share.
Yet it would have relatively little effect on the habits of older smokers, and would thus not distort free choice.
"Other than it's nice to know they are not prejudiced against the older smoker."
Casinos have found that many older smokers are not eager to quit or to cede even more gambling space to nonsmokers.
"A young smoker will stick with smoking longer than an older smoker, who dies or quits."
It's been a revelation to witness record crowds at shows with even nippers delighting in old smokers.
A Finnish study consisting of 29,133 older male smokers observed prostate cancer risk had no relationship with serum folate levels.
Can young people in their 20s and 30s really develop a serious, potentially life-threatening disease most commonly seen in older smokers?
But young people in their late teens and early 20's are substantially less likely to quit than older smokers.