I hope you have escaped often since, old sinner.
This poor old sinner is drunk again, and doesn't even know what he has been celebrating!
We've had some real fine, earnest men, who did a lot of good and made the old sinners squirm.
So, between the old sinner and the young one the girl has had a pretty bad time.
Aslan calls him simply an "old sinner" who cannot hear his voice, and puts him to sleep.
The old sinner arrived, he was a brothel-hound I had seen dozens of times before without bothering to find out what he came to do.
How I should like to get my claws into her, the old sinner!
This old sinner has taken heart again from your presence.
Those old sinners over there, he thought, even they must remember.
That old sinner would have spotted it like a flash!