Recorded at a small coffee house in Virginia Beach on an old reel to reel tape recorder (no video) somewhere a..
Whether she is playing old reels and strathspeys or newer songs, she has the technique to turn every note into an incentive to dance.
He says, 'How much you asking' for this battered-up old reel?
"How much you asking for this old beat-up spinning reel, Retch?"
She knows the old reels and jigs and the techniques that turn dance tunes into accelerating, ever more complex variations.
In the center, there was an ancient tape recorder and an old reel to reel 8mm projector.
Those old reels gunked up with sand and rust, for example, may someday be worth a lot of money as antiques.
The Highland Schottische is a combination of the common schottische and the old reel.
The oldest reels included this year are silent films both from 1912.
At home, we mostly danced the old reels.