Editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger says the Guardian is 'reaping the rewards for breaking out of the old mindset of journalism'
The inertia of the old mindset is to stick with old educational methods and to keep education and business separate.
Mr. Battelle points out that in an age when so much of our computer activity has been ported to the Internet, many of us maintain the old mindset.
The medal was given in honour of Goodiepal's kamikaze strikes against the old and stubborn mindset of the academy, and it might or might not prove that he won his playful war game.
Boring had hoped to achieve a change in personality by the end of this experience and was disappointed to find that he still had his old mindset.
Proponents of the "tired old liberal mindset" on Capitol Hill, the President asserted, carped and criticized while he made America into "the pre-eminent power" in the world.
You're living in a very old mindset here, you know the one with gateway theories and other nonsense propaganda.
This may be a new-look Munster side, but the same old gnarled and unyielding mindset remains.
Trying to recreate an old moral mindset becomes as difficult as imagining why Beethoven at first sounded shocking, or remembering why mood rings and pet rocks once seemed cool.
The old mindset which involved sweeping things under the carpet and protecting one' s friends unfortunately still exists.