The door opened with the creak of old hinges and revealed an entrance hall with a woman in it.
The door swung back with the same creak of old hinges Reacher remembered from before.
I kicked at the door, but its old hinges didn't respond soon enough.
The door's left panel opened, its old hinges squealing under its weight.
At the bottom she stumbled against the heavy door and the rusted old hinges creaked horribly.
Therefore, The Shadow eased the door open, taking care that the old hinges made no noise.
He shut the doors on his way out, and as he did, I noticed how the heavy old hinges gave a faint squeak.
You almost expected to hear old oilless hinges creaking inside the thickness of his neck.
As Teilani swung the gate open, its old hinges squealed.
She pushed open the gate and it creaked upon old hinges.