I really think it was the V2s which finished my poor old granny off.
Expect she's dead now, or some fat old granny with a dozen kids.
I hate it when they have three old grannies on.
"All right, so we get an investigator out there to see if Lee actually did go visit his old granny."
He would have said the same to the humblest old granny.
You need to "remove the danger from the patient" as my old Granny used to say.
They're famous perhaps to a few of the old grannies I have got as patients.
"Yeah, well, as my old granny used to say, give a man an inch and he'll stick the rest in."
I got it from an old granny down the other side of Vérella.
An old granny with tattoos on her face was feeding a child in the corner of the room.