However, much as he admired these older giants, Perkins wished to publish younger writers.
Though usually small, they had the ability to swell to enormous size (they were sometimes speculated to be the ghosts of the old giants).
Just the same, although I almost saw the old giant, I didn't quite see him.
The tamarack Karl had chosen was of necessity a stately old giant longer than any used so far.
It seemed to Picard that two very old giants had come awake and resumed a family feud.
There were several giants, both young and old, in the hall, and they were all dancing round the princess.
At a bigger table, about twenty yards away, half a dozen old giants were lunching.
That lumbering, old fire-breathing, metallic giant might well be headed for extinction.
They also have moderate masses around 5-10M so they are much older than more massive blue giants.
These companies haven't had any choice but to move knowledge in new, innovative ways to compete against bigger, older corporate giants.