People young and old banged drums, waved flags and banners, and listened to music from a stage set up on the Level near the city centre.
As a young child, he played guitar at 8 years old then drums at 10.
I had my brother drop off his old drums... some other small things - things I would make or find lying around.
He says that he has been offered sponsorship, but opted for older drums as a matter of preference.
Called split sleeves, they can be retrofitted onto old drums or mounted on new drums to allow a future change of application.
In older drums, the hoops are often held tight by separate clamps through which the threaded tension rod fits.
Good old drums, they always add a real sense of occasion to a football match.
Hymns are sung slowly to the beat of old tribal drums.
That is will be the beginning of a new Pan-Somalilandism (different from old drums of Somaliweyn).
The Duke and Duchess of Windsor, for instance, used old drums as side tables at their country house near Paris.