First, sales of domestic premium beers are flagging - Budweiser declined 5.8 percent in 1991 - as their many older drinkers quaff less and younger drinkers choose other brands.
Southern Comfort is most popular with drinkers 21 to 29 years old.
YOU know the old drinker's saying that it is always 5 o'clock somewhere?
"The demographics of Scotch are the poorest" among liquors, he said, "too skewed to older drinkers."
And older drinkers tend to avoid driving while drunk, so they are not arrested as often for driving under the influence.
Older Adults and Alcohol: You Can Get Help-describes how alcohol affects the health of older drinkers and offers tips for stopping or reducing drinking.
Beam's products skew toward older drinkers.
The lead author, Charles Holahan, a psychologist at the University of Texas, said there may be benefits for older moderate drinkers no matter what kind of alcohol they consume.
It attracts old drinkers and young professionals alike, as well as the occasional tourist who happens by.
Schieffelin's efforts at that will appear simultaneously with two long-running Dewar's campaigns, addressing older drinkers, also created by Burnett in Chicago.