He checked into your old digs and is waiting around.
"She'd never recognize her old digs, would she?"
Ashok takes Sheila to his old digs at the garage, and they settle in to make a new life.
One of the best amateur shows in the country has outgrown its old digs and moved to a bigger arena.
But, you know, I land of miss the brownie back in our old digs.
By Jove, Dad, you don't know how good it is to be back in the old digs.
She shook her thoughts away and started walking towards her old digs.
Okay then, I think the old dig is around that way.
You can ask my crew; I welcome any mission that gets me poking around in some old dig.
He misses the red carpet and sweeping staircases of his old digs on 93rd Street.