The old boiler is now on display at Railtown 1897.
It's just a shame he was such an ugly old boiler, otherwise I'd be well away!
It is likely that over 2 million of these old boilers will still be around in 2020.
We do not even know why he used the old boiler this week instead of the newer one".
The 2 old boilers are down often for repair.
Further around to the south are the rusting remains of an old boiler and other machinery.
Replacing a 25 year old boiler with a new one would have paid for itself in 30 years!
We're going to say goodbye to the old boiler, Barney.
The power station went in service on 30 June 2009, being built adjacent to the two old boilers it replaced.
Recently they raised 1,700 pounds in just six weeks to replace an old boiler.