It's hard for old ballplayers to hang up their spikes, and Carlton perhaps more than most.
And if the old ballplayers weren't doing a whole lot more than talking, mugging for the camera and playing pepper, who cared?
"More power to him," the old ballplayer said.
And he carried himself like an old ballplayer.
For me it's about a bunch of frustrated old ballplayers who still love to compete.
Rogell also used his position to help old ballplayers in the Detroit area.
Unlikely as it seems now, at a time when every autograph costs, none of the old ballplayers ever asked him for anything.
"I just want to be an old ballplayer."
But he'll have to begin pitching more effectively if he hopes to become that old ballplayer he dreams of being.
But I'm not just an old ballplayer who thinks he can play golf.