Much of the resistance to the Company came from the old aristocracy, who were seeing their power steadily eroded.
Subject peoples all over the empire wanted to be free from the rule of the old aristocracy and imperial family.
A commanding and popular figure, she represents the pride of the old aristocracy, now fallen on hard times.
In this kind of struggle the old aristocracy could always find a way to get its foot in the door.
But then the Party fits into a feudal scheme as a replacement for the old aristocracy.
He was one of the old, feudal aristocracy and fundamentally anti-German.
In opposition to this party, the old Prussian aristocracy stood on the right.
Although their influence was weakened, there were still a number of men with influence from the older aristocracy.
This timocratic form of government was less restricted than the old aristocracy.
The old aristocracy existed through the force of law, because only patricians had been allowed to stand for high office.