"We're not walking away from that," he said of the old ads.
The 1956 commercial was to be remade with the original children, now grown, to forge a link between "the new generation and the old ad".
To quote an old ad for a very different car, the 'Vette was still "unique in all the world," and rightly so.
In its latest effort to tap the nostalgia boom, Life magazine is offering a discount to advertisers who run old ads next to new ones.
Later, through an old personal ad, Cyril discovers that his father actually sold his bike.
Volvo said it best in one of the old ads - the cars offered the best bang for the buck.
One old ad had original Ivory as 82.48 percent "true soap."
At first I wondered if an old ad was being used for some new purpose.
It reminds me of the old ad for the muffler.
Campaign posters for candidates in the coming election partially covered the old ads, his prominent among them.