But critics, including Mr. Perot, say Texas desperately needs to improve services, particularly education, to help diversify its faltering, oil-dependent economy.
And Venezuela, he argues, could seize the opportunity to diversify its oil-dependent economy.
Was it Libya's oil-dependent economy, in a tailspin because of world petroleum prices, that did it?
However, the 1973 oil crisis seriously affected Argentina's oil-dependent economy.
The Saudis have mounted a major effort to diversify their oil-dependent economy, developing agricultural products for export as well as for domestic consumption.
She has been concentrating on diversifying Houston's oil-dependent economy by beefing up the space and biomedical industries.
East Timor is labelled by the International Monetary Fund as the "most oil-dependent economy in the world".
In its resolution tomorrow, Parliament will call for Europe to become the most energy-efficient and least oil-dependent economy by 2020.
The oil drop added strength to the yen because traders read it as a favorable sign for Japan's oil-dependent economy.
The government made great progress in building roads, promoting mining, and development of other industries to diversify the oil-dependent economy.