You should consult the manufacturer of these systems for information on their appropriate use and whether they comply with oil storage legislation.
The regulations don't apply to all oil storage, so find out if your oil storage is exempt.
Great changes were introduced in the area of oil storage by Nobels.
It was initially used as a casino and later for oil storage.
It also has five rock caverns for crude oil storage with a total capacity of 6.3 million barrels.
The port was also used as an oil storage terminal by Florida Power and Light Company.
This page provides links to the full text of key pieces of environmental legislation relating to oil storage.
The group took control over oil storage and the mill-factory.
Oh yes they told us it was to be underground oil storage.
It also included an oil storage terminal near Copan, with 107 tanks, designed to hold 35,000 barrels of crude oil.