The country has the world's second-largest economy, but it produces virtually no oil or gas, importing 96 percent of its energy needs.
His front was ownership of an olive oil importing business.
Some OPEC actions had led to tensions and conflicts with industrialised oil importing countries, he said.
More discreetly, many residents work from home at such ocupations as writing, sales, oil importing and computer consulting.
Nevertheless, Genco Pura is highly successful and grows to become the largest olive oil importing company in the nation.
The Port of New York and New Jersey is the largest oil importing port and third largest container port in the nation.
For many net oil importing countries the 2000s energy crisis brought back concerns first raised during the 1973 oil crisis.
The oil importing nations, if they cooperate, can make sure they buy only from non-Iraqi sources.
A two-day conference between oil exporting and importing countries to find ways to stabilize the world's oil market, talked about for nearly two decades, is finally being convened in Paris today.
When his export business was destroyed by the civil war that raged from 1975 to 1990, he switched his line of business to oil importing.