The future may rise or fall on his efforts.
Crude oil futures, at $20 a barrel three weeks ago, have been falling recently.
But the future of destination clubs may rise and fall with the residential housing market.
Still, crude oil futures fell 55 cents, to $16.21 a barrel.
Meanwhile, silver futures fell 21 cents an ounce, to $6.47.
Crude oil futures fell below the $14-a-barrel level, before recovering, on continued signs of abundant supplies.
Oil stocks were sharply lower as oil futures fell on profit taking.
The entire future of the family and the farm fell on his shoulders, and what a wonderful job he made of it.
Prices of precious metals futures fell in light trading yesterday, helped little by the dollar's weakness.
But then those futures fell back in the overnight session to the maximum decline allowed, and European markets resumed their drop.