Ecuador will be the first country in the 13-member oil cartel to leave since the group's founding 32 years ago.
The oil cartel has agreed to new limits on production, probably adding a few dollars to the price of a barrel.
I have always been against blackmail by the foreign oil cartels.
Let's start with why the oil cartel should love this proposal.
He was in international finance, working primarily with the oil cartel.
The oil cartel is considering another increase in the ceiling of 500,000 barrels a day if prices remain at their current levels.
He urged people to end their dependence on foreign oil cartels.
But I don't like the idea of being a hired gun for an oil cartel, either.
High prices, however, eventually undermine the oil cartel's power.
The oil cartel sprang back into action, and stuck by its promise to reduce supply.