The most oft-used phrase around the table was "Can I have your business card?"
Innovative was the critics' operative word and sexual energy, an oft-used phrase.
(The oft-used phrase is the title of the scholar Leo Marx's landmark study of Edenic yearnings in 19th-century American literature.)
This leads to a heated debate about the relation between the designer Ralph Lauren and black culture, and ends with the class dissecting the oft-used phrase "Keeping it real."
British comedian Stewart Lee satirised the oft-used phrase "it's political correctness gone mad".
He is credited with originating the oft-used phrase "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof."
About 180,000 Americans describe themselves as converts to Judaism, "Jews by choice," in an oft-used phrase, representing about 3 percent of the nation's six million Jews.
It also reminds one of the oft-used repressive phrase to the effect that what is not allowed cannot happen.
The oft-used phrase "Serbian aggression" has tended to mask the fact that one-third of Bosnians are Serbs.
Because the service uses software for much of the translation, it can store oft-used phrases and repeat them in later documents.