Among the film's oft-repeated claims is that Islamists are reacting against Western liberal democracy, when their larger problem would really seem to be the Enlightenment.
The oft-repeated claim that he had been "rejected" by the Comanches following this trip is unfounded.
An oft-repeated claim is that Denmark receives one-fifth of its power from wind.
He never served as a curate at Ingham, despite oft-repeated claims to the contrary.
You'll learn, for instance, that while Fidel Castro was a pitcher, the oft-repeated claim that he was a major league prospect is apocryphal.
And there's a plaque nearby commemorating its other oft-repeated claim to fame, which is that it educated one of America's most famous educators.
These developments are in turn making sense of Steve Ballmer's oft-repeated claim that Microsoft is "all-in" on the cloud.
What, then, of the oft-repeated claim that the STV enables voters to vote for a coalition or an alliance?
Such oft-repeated claims now appear to be quite inaccurate.
Jonadab Oaks is as good as any man,' was an oft-repeated claim, and this he truly believed.