Indicating the general area to the east with a broad sweep of his hand, he said in his most officious voice: "There.
One of those gravelly officious voices came on the line after two rings.
"I do wonder what lies beneath that white peruke," the black domino continued in the same cold officious voice.
An officious voice declared that it belonged to the police commissioner, who wanted to talk to Philmont.
Scanlon could be heard punching a button, his voice clear, officious.
A man had answered in an officious voice.
Eventually an officious voice said, 'What do you have to say for yourself, miserable louse?'
With his clipped, officious voice he sounded like every sergeant I'd ever heard.
"Servants use the postern gate," an officious voice called down from one of the narrow tower windows.
Nor had Uncle Bill a loud officious English voice like this young man.