As concerns mounted about the extent of the yakuza groups' officially tolerated dominance of prostitution and gambling, the government adopted new measures to control their activities.
The usage of dialect in all other spheres is officially tolerated.
Officially tolerated but not affiliated with the party or Government, his paper has a modest circulation, by Chinese standards, of 300,000, mostly among intellectuals.
Working within an officially tolerated club called the Jazz Section, he devised schemes to remind the Government that artists, in the end, have the last laugh.
The practice was officially tolerated in peacetime, and certainly survived in time of war.
There was however one apparent abuse of the patronage system, chiefly though not entirely practised by admirals overseas, which was officially tolerated.
Officially tolerated though technically illegal, the Mexican street bazaar testifies to some of the problems that dog Mexico's economy.
Amnesty International has protested, saying political torture and murder are officially tolerated in at least 10 countries believed to be on the list.
Topless sunbathing by women is illegal, but is officially tolerated on South Beach.