For reasons not unconnected with the postal regulations governing second-class matter, the present issue, which appears early in November, is officially styled the Summer issue.
In 1751 the regiment was officially styled the 12th Dragoons.
The school, while officially styled Academy rather than University, was modelled after European universities of the epoch.
Its manager was officially styled Chief Steward.
Officially styled "superintendent", the responsibilities of the surgeon-superintendent were largely equivalent to that of a Naval Agent.
Hoops&Yoyo (officially styled as hoops&yoyo) are a pair of animated characters featured on Hallmark Cards.
Both ministries were officially styled "The Cooper Ministry".
The office headed by the secretary of state is officially styled the "Tennessee Department of State".
On June 18, after enabling legislation was passed, he was officially styled as minister of housing and minister of consumer protection.
As well, until the 1970s the leader of the Ontario provincial government was officially styled prime minister.