In fact, LLNL was not officially severed administratively from LBNL until the early 1970s.
Another confrontation occurs between Radha and Ashok, and the two parties officially sever all ties.
The two groups of abolitionists officially severed.
Among the sanctions being considered are a break in diplomatic relations and, more likely, a freeze of relations, which would entail withdrawing diplomats without officially severing ties.
The problem is, in part, a legacy of the Pakistani Army's close cooperation with the Taliban until General Musharraf officially severed these ties after 9/11.
NAWSA felt they could no longer tolerate the radical tactics employed and advocated by the Congressional Union, and they wanted to officially sever their ties.
When his point on this long, slow line reached Mechanic's Hall at last, some War Department clerk would officially sever his connection with the Confederate army.
After years of speculation that Morgan Stanley would shed its Discover credit card business, the company said last night that it planned to officially sever those ties.
Both labs are named after E.O. Lawrence, and the Livermore Lab was not officially severed administratively from the Berkeley Lab until the early 1970s.
In 2000 he fell out of favor with the General Workers' Union's administration and officially severed all ties with the organization.