The release has been officially set for November 29, 2012.
The election date was originally officially set on 1 July 2009.
The meeting date has not been officially set, but it is expected to be held May 10.
Zero hour was officially set at 7:30 am for 1 July 1916.
In fairness, the top price is officially set at only $99.
Bridge tolls have not been officially set but they are expected to range from $22 to $30 a car.
Prices, which have not been officially set, will range from $9,000 to $20,000.
Although the date has not been officially set, many economists think this recession ended last December.
The term of office is not officially set, but generally it has been a life-time appointment.
However, these boundaries are not officially set; views vary as to where the area begins and ends.