You can officially purchase it on Beatport: I do not own the rights to this...
The deal needs to be approved by a bankruptcy court before Grupo Bimbo can officially purchase the brand from Hostess.
In 1987, the organization officially purchased Oppenheimer's supplies business, which is run as mail-order only.
On 9 November 1903, Buzzard officially purchased his homestead from the United States Government.
In 1934, Warner officially purchased the Teddington Studio as well.
In 1768 several colonies officially purchased the "Iroquois claim" to the Ohio and Illinois Country.
In March 1920, the government officially purchased Park Field.
The measure passed, Allen officially purchased the team, and the Kingdome's fate was sealed.
In 1636, he returned to officially purchase its land, then known as "Agawam."
On August 8, 2003, the school officially purchased the 32-acre complex - complete with a 1,100-seat hockey arena - for $10 million.