He was taken from the car straight to Bathurst Hospital where he was officially pronounced dead.
As soon as something is officially pronounced art, into the clink it goes.
Romano had been right: steel-jacketed .308s. Chris Miller was officially pronounced dead and the ambulance came and took him away.
At around 3pm, his condition deteriorated and he was rushed to the Civil Hospital, where he was officially pronounced dead.
Although it was clear that the fall had killed him, he was taken to a nearby hospital where he was officially pronounced dead.
"This dome is officially pronounced grendel-proof."
Gaber Salah, a member of the April 6 Youth Movement, was officially pronounced dead, after being brain dead for a week in the hospital.
And the villagers who show tourists around his ruined castles would be out of a job if the horror stories were officially pronounced untrue.
It would be another twenty minutes before she was officially pronounced dead.
Last week, after a series of brazen robberies, murders and kidnappings, Mr. Cheung's gang was officially pronounced dead.