There were occasional demonstrations, and a great many speeches on street corners, which were officially ignored.
When another great Egyptian belly dancer, Samia Gamal, died in 1994, her funeral was officially ignored, Morocco said.
Once banned, it thrived on the publicity and is now officially ignored by the protest-weary administration.
He was very well aware of what Walker had not said: Succeed, and he would be officially ignored.
Earlier today, the boy's relatives offered a proposal that was officially ignored by the Justice Department.
Instead, he has been officially ignored since he received an award in 1948, a time, he says, "when I was still politically tone deaf."
Petitions submitted by the colonies were officially ignored by Parliament.
If was officially ignored for fifteen hundred years or tn Christian era.
The presence of an independent native state in the central North Island was officially ignored by the government until it developed the potential to undermine the colonial government's sovereignty.
The actions of the sons of Fujiwara no Teki were officially ignored.