After showing a willingness to serve during fighting at Cuzco, Cuba, by carrying messages to company commanders, Crane was officially cited for his "material aid during the action".
And it was officially cited as blighted in the late 1950's, during the Robert Moses era of scythelike slum clearance.
It was officially cited as an intergrowth of two sulfosalt phases.
Stephen Frears, the director of "Prick Up Your Ears," received the festival's second prize for directing, though he was officially cited for his "artistic contributions."
This way neither you nor the nurse can be officially cited for negligence.
She is officially cited in the "Chronology of the U.S. Navy in World War II".
China has officially cited resource depletion and environmental concerns as the reasons for a nationwide crackdown on its rare earth mineral production sector.
Last year, there were 650 Brooklyn cases in which orders of protection were violated - officially cited as second-degree contempt of court, a misdemeanor.
He was officially cited for "personal bravery in the face of the enemy" and awarded the Medal of Honor on March 3, 1870.
Beyond the reasons officially cited by Levi's, the problem we are facing is, in fact, again one of relocations and social dumping.