Unlike in Ireland, there is no official terminology for 'high-quality dual carriageways'.
In Australia, dual carriageways are referred to in some regions as divided roads, though there is no official terminology.
This term was popularized in a November 1990 Newsweek cover story and was never official medical terminology.
Laura Barnett: I am what is known, in official terminology, as a stresspot.
As with all official terms, some countries have specific official terminology which differs from the exact linguistic meaning.
There is no wonder that many scientists view as being a kind of machine when at the lowest level, the official terminology is exactly that.
Herein, we search in vain for any of Caxaro's own original thinking, apart from the arid judicial and official terminology.
An informal term that has been used for these connectors is "bisexual", in addition to the more official terminology, mixed-gender.
Before the official terminology was established, the art form were known by several names.
The official terminology was changed into Sanguisa in Gojong 32 of 1895.