Late yesterday afternoon, officials with the family services agency suspended the caseworker who was responsible for the boys, Catherine Davis.
American officials suspended her in 1997, but an appeals panel reinstated her.
But after searching in vain for almost 24 hours, officials suspended the rescue operation.
The officials suspend the game, with Towson State leading, 93-72.
He is playing a game denied him for more than a year, after officials in Cuba suspended him from baseball, fearing he would defect.
In October 2011, officials suspended the dueling aspect of the ride permanently.
After installing 94 of the machines at 37 airports, officials suspended the program last year, saying the devices broke down too often.
In response, officials closed the beaches and suspended all diving and watersports activities.
But officials in Helena, the state capital, have suspended the checks.
Discipline was so weak that officials suspended 20 to 30 students a year for five consecutive years.