If he's so rich and wants to hunt vampires, why send an untrained female out alone, when there are official resources he could contribute to?
Members may not use official resources to misrepresent their current official positions or titles within the House.
CMOs may have independent web pages when no official resources are used, outside of staff time, to create and support the site.
Sometimes members of Congress are seen as a "privileged class" with cozy relations with lobbyists and free use of official resources.
I stocked the lake myself so it's not part of the official resources.
A culmination of use of official resources for private gain may lead to further pressures on incoming officials from other kinsmen.
Coming from a small Member State, I have a special understanding of how stretched official resources can be during a very pressured six months.
Even that would have violated a separate House rule providing that "official resources may not be used to assist the work of an outside organization."
"It could be done faster using official resources," Quafina said, his tone accusatory.
The State of Wisconsin has a website to provide you with an official resource for influenza information.