The green booklet is the official orthographic and grammatical reference of the Dutch language.
That fact, while touched on in official references, is often omitted in public discussion of the crisis.
A sign on the bridge also identifies it as the Lincoln Gap covered bridge, despite no official reference to that name.
The oldest official reference to the village is from 1263 when it was called Oudekerke.
The interim government has announced that the public will be consulted, but no official reference to a referendum has been made.
The dissertation must be delivered together with official references of several reviewers, called "opponents".
Modern practice has moved away from official reference to two experts and an umpire so described, but the procedures are often quite similar in practice.
This has happened in a country where there were no official references and development sources.
Moreover - and I am still quoting - there is an official reference to 'explanations' by the Presidium.
In one of the very few official references to population control at the conference, the Declaration called on states to "promote appropriate demographic policies".