According to official projections, overseas direct investment is expected to touch $10 billion in the current year.
Doubts have also been cast on the official projections and plans for the national rail link.
By 1975, the population had zoomed to 86,686, nearly 2,000 more than official 1974 projections.
But since the package was adopted, official projections of the total deficit for 1991 through 1995 have increased 70 percent, to $1.3 trillion.
He predicted that revenue generated by the tax would "fall far short of the official projections."
A better question is whether the official projections are too pessimistic about the growth in productivity.
This month, he offered economic forecasts lower than the administration's official projections.
Health policy experts say that costs may well grow faster than the official projections suggest.
The fiscal outlook is much worse than official projections indicate.
Moreover, the official projections do not include the costs of war and reconstruction in Iraq.