The Church authorities in Granada continue to forbid scholarly access however, on the grounds that the official prohibition remains in force.
Melnychenko left Ukraine covertly with his family, breaking an official prohibition on leaving the country.
While they survive now only in museums, especially in Vancouver (see page 155) the ritual gift giving known as potlatch has re-emerged after years of official prohibition.
We also shunned the fast lane, where the bicycle-club hotshots zip by, often drafting (riding in close formation to minimize wind resistance), despite official prohibition.
The official prohibition lasted until September 22, 1983, when it was repealed by the "Lugar Bill".
Some missionaries visited the country despite this official prohibition and carried on informal proselytizing activities.
Paraguay, like other Latin American countries, had a long colonial history of Indian enslavement that continued well after the official prohibition of slavery in 1869.
Finally, Ross enacted an official prohibition against hazing, vowing to expel any student found guilty of the practice.
A small number of Native Americans were employed as slaves from the very start of the 18th century-in spite of official prohibition.
In 1995 the Chinese People's Daily newspaper published an anti-doping policy and proclaimed an official prohibition on performance enhancing substances.