As of 2011 the official population was 2,311, though more recent estimates place it closer to 5,000.
The official population for the area as of the census 2002 is 130 (115 male, 15 female).
The village has an official population of 4,070 but during the summer it gets to over 60,000 inhabitants.
The official population stayed well over one million for more than 50 years.
The official population was 269 persons at the 2000 census.
As of the 2010 census, its official population had reached 157,107.
The 2001 census reported an official permanent population of 7,816.
The total official population of this urban area was given to be 327,706 in 2001.
But it has never used this method to determine the official population.
The official population of 2,985- the number according to the sign on the highway- hadn't changed since he was a kid.