The hookah was, until recently, served to all ages; Iranian officials have since passed a law forbidding its use by those under 20.
These officials could dismiss accusations or pass them on to the courts.
Political officials may pass high-minded laws but they don't realize how bureaucrats are blocking things.
Of eight tested, three senior officials passed easily.
Now they got busy, for though they had taken out all the guards, they could not be sure when some higher official would pass.
British officials said Soviet officials tracked the movement of the drugs and passed along the information to them.
In 11 states, 27 counties and 136 cities, elected officials have passed laws to establish homosexual civil rights.
The elder official pulled a paper out of his pocket, passed it to Rubashov and stood again to attention.
Last month senior American officials passed the word to journalists that the summit session might be held in June.
There is now such fear of inappropriate spending that European officials, where possible, will pass the buck to the subsidy applicants.