"A small Picasso here, a Motherwell collage there, it all adds up," observed one official.
Canadian officials, who have taken a far more aggressive approach to combatting rabies, have been observing the American debate with astonishment.
American insistence that elected officials observe the Constitution in all its details produces a sense of fairness and justice done.
These landholders, middle-class snobs and senior British officials observed a rigid expatriate class system.
During the early years of British rule many officials observed that there was a high level of both civil and criminal litigation.
One official also observed that during the statement, Mr. bin Laden did not move his left hand, even though he is left-handed.
I can get you a compartment here, sir,' observed the official, as the train began to slacken speed before Bishopstoke station.
One Congressional official with decades of experience in military planning observed: "It seems to me that these people now must be facing immense uncertainty.
"Some people didn't think the President would get through the hearings, and he did," one official observed.
One Chilean official observed, "If people really had freedom of choice, 90 percent of them would opt to go back to the old system."