The book has been adopted as the official manual in various countries of Central and South America.
These books are often written more clearly than the official manuals that come with the software, so they appeal to many legitimate users as well.
Books supplement and frequently improve on the manuals, or provide information for people using illegal copies who never had an official manual in the first place.
Imperial Fortresses - In the official manuals we have several lists of these places.
All serious sport kite flyers are advised to join and so keep up to date with their official manual.
One-quarter of the patients were found to have a mental disorder, as defined by the official psychiatric diagnostic manual.
To run gtkmm programs on Windows, see official manual.
It wasn't in any of the official manuals, but he thought it just might work.
Crowd-control drills, from an official manual, are part of the routine.
Support can be obtained from the official manual.