News stories, official handouts, personal interviews.
So timid, all of them--taking the official handouts like good little children!
In retrospect, it is astonishing that a group of big-name journalists had forgotten that facts are obtained by skepticism and shoe-leather reporting on the scene, not by accepting official handouts from police and Government sources.
There are times when he comes close to talking in the language of official handouts, or taking an idealized view of some decidedly unideal regimes.
We got no further than the official handout: this cruiser, theKeweenaw, had, in fair weather, simply gone down.
All the same, there was not going to be much freshness of treatment in our assignment if we could get no nearer to the sources than official handouts.
On the other hand, trained as he was in interpreting the phoniness of official handouts, Falkner had a deep and abiding need to believe in the futility and emptiness of his own assignment.
An official handout says: "The site offers an interesting glimpse of the history, doctrine, responsibilities and viewpoints of the General Intelligence Department."
Along with Judy and Matt, these endangered journalists can look at plumber-prosecutors, smirking media-bashers and the wimps taking official handouts and ask: "What are you doing out there?"
All we got were official handouts.