That spring, Houston celebrated the official groundbreaking of Reliant Stadium.
On 9 July 2003, the building began with the official groundbreaking.
Construction began on Monday, April 30, 2007 with the clearing of trees and brush in the area, although the official groundbreaking was on June 22.
Construction for the line began in December 2009 with official groundbreaking by Toronto Mayor David Miller.
The official groundbreaking was held on May 9, 2009, but construction did not begin until June 8, 2009.
By the time of official groundbreaking, September 1947, eight construction sites were identified (one, in Zaryadye, would be cancelled).
The idea for constructing a metro was only seriously considered in the 1980s and it took an almost 20 years for the official groundbreaking works to start.
Construction began with the removal of the sales centre in September 2007, but the official groundbreaking was Friday, October 12, 2007.
An official groundbreaking was held on October 4, 2012.
The official groundbreaking of the new Martel College took place on April 10, 2000.