In Ohio, where an excuse is still needed to vote absentee, Democratic officials have devised a tip sheet to help their supporters avoid getting disqualified.
At some major football colleges, officials have devised new rules to supervise how high school athletes are entertained during their visits.
All of us, it seems, are merely passengers on this super-fast-track express that our public officials have devised for our mourning experience.
The four officials, sometimes referred to as the quartet, devised the staged peace plan for a Palestinian state known as the road map.
Thousands of tons of contaminated debris will be stored at the landfill until officials devise a way to dispose of it.
For hurricane evacuees, officials devised a two-tier plan.
Local officials are devising a rescue plan.
While officials devise plans to limit fishing at spawning time, equipment manufacturers create easier ways to catch fish.
State party officials said the McCain campaign had in many instances failed to meet the arduous petition requirements, which the officials themselves devised.
National and local officials, as well as the companies themselves, are devising countermeasures.