The population of the district is 91,124 as per the 2004 official census.
According to the 2004 official census, the town has a population of 17,313.
At the 2004 official census, the district had a population of 119,283.
According to the 2004 official census, the population of the city is 220,488 people.
According to official census of 2006, the population was 269,226, in 73,702 families.
The last official census was taken in 1970, and showed the total population as being 5.6 million.
According to the 2004 official census, the population of the city was 114,363.
The population figures are given according to the 2004 official census.
Population growth rate from 2010, the last official census, to 2013 was about 3.6%.
The population of the district is 76,962 according to the 2004 official census.