Despite the avalanche of new cases, Rwandan officials bristle at any suggestion that there should be an amnesty or a moratorium on arrests.
Swiss bankers and officials are bristling once again over accusations, this time from neighboring France, that the country is an international haven for dubious money dealings.
Analysts and other officials bristle at suggestions that their work has been seriously deficient.
For more than an year, Indonesian officials bristled when American officials presented them with evidence of a terrorist network in this sprawling archipelago.
Some local officials have bristled at the state's plan to use outsiders to check up on them.
Until recently officials here would have bristled at suggestions that they would try to influence another country's internal affairs.
Enforcement is a touchy issue, since Chinese officials bristle when foreigners tell them how to conduct legal affairs.
A senior Soviet official bristled today at the suggestion that Mr. Najibullah had been sold out.
That line of argument makes Canadian officials bristle.
Naturally, many Turkish officials bristle at the European criticism of religious restriction.