The bill mandates that this ballot be the official ballot for purposes of a recount.
Those matters which the law or charter states must be placed on the official ballot of the town, cannot be decided by the representative meeting.
Candidates listed in order of how they appear on the official ballot.
Only "Texas in 2013" qualified to be on the official ballot.
And he is not on the official ballot.
Under Ohio law, the voter-verified paper record, not the voting machine total, is the official ballot for purposes of a recount.
These paper ballots are the official ballots, and can be recounted by hand to resolve a dispute.
However he is still listed on the official ballot as an independent candidate.
In this case, there is a compelling reason why states should be allowed to prevent late changes to the roster of candidates listed on their official ballots.
The college of electors casts the official ballots for the office, with an absolute majority of the votes required to be elected.