In a year, officials will assess the program and decide whether to remove the humps, redesign them or install more.
Several hundred people were required to stay in their buildings at the complex for as long as six hours Monday while officials assessed the situation.
Fights erupted everywhere and the officials assessed 129 minutes in penalties in the last 35 seconds.
But in many coastal areas homeowners and public officials assessed the damage and found that the news was bad.
American officials were assessing a Soviet suggestion to limit warheads on ballistic missiles.
As the first officials on the scene were assessing the situation, others evacuated nearby homes and businesses.
Another official, who said her boss had told her not to give an interview, assesses the sincerity of religious ones.
Local and state officials are also assessing the damage to things like roads and utilities, which have been under water for weeks.
Also, officials are assessing the environmental feasibility of a $18 million terminal that may include a movie theater, restaurants and stores.
Traffic is tied up for miles and for hours as officials assess the damage to the elevated roadway.