No I don't want to watch streaming movies on it I would just like an official app to manage my queue.
Since November 2011 there is an official app called Last.
It was announced in the official Media Handbook that an official app would also be available for voters to vote via during the contest.
The official app is an elegant way to blog without a physical keyboard in sight.
Here is the official app for Flickr.
She is also currently developing an official app, which will be released free, and shall contain exclusive information "you won't be able to find anywhere else".
This isn't helped by the "official" app being notably inferior to those the BBC killed off.
Is there an official app or setting that will allow you to do that now?
The official app provides the base Dominion game free to play, and cards from the expansions are available for a fee.
Twitter's official app, released last spring, wouldn't work on earlier versions of Android.